Prevent caravan water leaks: Caravan resealing

Can you spot what is wrong with the front of this caravan?

It’s not immediately obvious if you don’t know what to look for. The seals around the window hatch have worn out over time and water has been entering the frame of the caravan. Here is a photo of the timber frame behind the aluminium panel that was right near the bed and wardrobe at the front of the van.

This water leak damage is a major repair. The only option is to remove all of the rotten timber (not easy to access) and replace it. The damage is fixable (see the after photos) but if the seals around the window hatch had been intact then this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

Our professional advice is to get caravan resealing carried out every 6 years. Many customers are shocked to learn that damage caused by water leaks in a caravan is not covered by insurance. Water leaks in a caravan will lead to a rotten timber frame and black mould in the lining of the caravan. Costs to repair water damage quickly add up to thousands and in extreme cases can mean the caravan is simply not worth the cost of the repairs.

One customer recently discovered the extent of the water damage when he touched a stain on the ceiling and his finger went right through the timber revealing rotten timber and black mould. Often the damage from water leaks isn’t obvious until timber boards start to warp or you can smell a musty or mouldy odour. You can imagine the health implications of sleeping and living inside a caravan lined with black mould.

Don’t let water leaks damage your caravan. Caravan resealing every 6 years and a regular inspection of the caravan seals is the best way to prevent water leaks.

One potential solution to water leaks is a paint-over sealant product. In our experience these products are only effective in limited circumstances, lasting a limited time and we caution customers in using them. In the same way that a good paint job relies on a well prepared surface, underlying problems will not be fixed with a simple paint over solution. In our experience where paint over sealants have been used without fixing the leaks, the leaks persist and the resulting repair job becomes much more costly as it requires the removal of the painted on sealant.

At the RV Service Centre we offer professional inspection of all seals on your caravan. There are more areas to check than you think and at our purpose built caravan service facility we can safely inspect all areas on the roof of your caravan and provide professional caravan resealing in Toowoomba. For a free quote or more information, give us a call.

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506 Boundary St
Toowoomba QLD 4350

(Cnr Gardner Ct)

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Mon – Thur: 8.30AM – 4:30PM
Friday: 8.30AM - 2PM
Vehicle Drop-Off from 7am (for confirmed bookings)

Sat: By Appointment


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